
how to care your beautiful Wigs?

1: carding time slowly, in not including electrostatic comb May 1 day 1-2 second enough.
2: when you wash try not to put WangDe get wet in the basin into the shampoo basically all is by soaking and knead less as far as possible because there is nothing grease is mainly dust a few magazines, then had better use hair conditioner also in bubble, bubble 10 a few minutes later out water impact point, here I indicate a little when you wash it in cold water as far as possible or warm water not too hot if we want to make the wig use longer had better not give or have a permanent wave, after washing, take it out to find a shelf in a cool, well-ventilated place natural air general half an hour is enough. If after washing a bit taken don't use comb with the comb hard dry towel encase point suction suction, slightly dry point after a jitter slowly all natural opened.
3: wear a cheapwigs take when a little slowly too hard to get your hair from down. The best before you go to bed every day the wig off on a shelf.
4: general a week cleaning once is enough due to the existence of longhair wigs and their own hair general 2-3 months trim a can, during this or can they stay on the drug treatment of WangDe very breathable picked up hair block to the sun good hair block is thickly dotted is full of holes completely pervious to light the absolute permeability.

