
How to wear a wig

halloween wigs

When the synthetic wigs need to pay attention to place: one is to adjust the size of the wig, the second is to adjust wig wear it on the head of the symmetry oh!
1: first put just received wig opened the package, the layer black net off (the net easy to damage oh, be careful. Don't take some time can be set in a halloween wigs on protection wig oh! The wig turn will see the internal structure of wig, according to oneself the size of the head circumference the hook on the corresponding lattice place, and be afraid out words can do a little bit tight regulation some oh!
2: seize the long blonde wigs temples place, will wig set to head, and then a hand caught in temples (ear is above before by some position, stiff can feel out elsewhere with different oh). One hand behind the wig catch pull back. Head feel comfortable, respectively with the hand caught on both sides of the temples in a mirror symmetry of regulating wig. This wig will wear completed oh! Hey hey!

